Swiss Bone Broth Diet


We try to keep the Swiss Bone Broth Diet very simple, there are two parts of the diet, a Detox Phase and a General Diet Plan.

Detox Phase

We highly recommend to do a detox phase even if you think you have a good healthy lifestyle, everybody should do this once in life to figure out what the are intolerant, and how they react. The detox phase is only 1 month, after the month you can get back to the general diet plan, and leave out certain food groups if they dont do you any good. Like most people are lactose intolerant but the body gets used to it, after a detox and bringing back that food group you will see how your stomach feels. As with everything in life we are all unique and everybody has a different way they react to food.

In our Detox phase we use the Paleo Autoimmunie Protocol, the diet involves increasing your intake of nutrient-dense, health-promoting foods while avoiding foods that may be triggers for your disease. The Detox phase is much harder than the general diet. and takes serious commitment

Bone Broth intake

Get at least 2 cup of Bone Broth daily 5 to 7 days a week


Grains Wheat, rye, barley and oats

Legumes peanuts, black beans, chickpeas, lentils, pinto beans, etc


Refinded processed sugars and oils

Eggs especially the whites


Seeds including cocoa, coffee and seed based spices :anise seed, annatto, celery seed, coriander, cumin, fennel, fenugreek, mustard, nutmeg, poppy seed, and sesame seed

Nightshades  potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, sweet and hot peppers, cayenne, red peppers, tomatillos, bell peppers,  pimentos, pepinos, tamarillos, eggplant and “ground cherries”, goji berries etc, and spices derived from peppers including paprika, cayenne, chili powder, red pepper, curry, and spice blends that contain these nightshade spices 

Potential Gluten Cross- Reactive Foods Amaranth, Barley, Buckwheat, Chocolate, Coffee (instant, latte, espresso, imported), Corn, Hemp, Millet, Milk, Oats (two different cultivars), PolishWheat, Potato, Quinoa, Rice, Rye, Sesame, Sorghum, Spelt, Soy, Tapioca (cassava, yucca), Teff


NSAIDS like aspirin and ibuprofen 

Non-nutritive sweeteners all of them even stevia 

Emulsifiers, thickeners, and other food additives

Moderate intake

Fructose from fruits and starchy vegetables, aiming for between 10 and 25 grams per day

Salt using only unrefined salt such as Himalayan pink salt 

Moderate- and high-glycemic-load fruits and vegetables such as dried fruit, plantain, and taro root

Omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid–rich foods such as poultry and fatty cuts of industrially produced meat, deli, cured and pre-cooked meats. They usually contain nightshade spices, corn syrup and other additives

Black and green tea


Note: if you aware of another allergic food, take it out of your detox month, keep in mind every body is different.


Organ meat and offal aim for 5 times per week, the more the better: liver, kidneys, heart, sweetbreads, etc

Fish and shellfish wild is best, but farmed is fine, aim for at least 3 times per week, the more the better: salmon, tuna, trout, halibut, sardines, scallops, etc.

Vegetables of all kinds, as much variety as possible and the whole rainbow, aim for 8-14 cups per day

Vegetables acorn squash, artichoke, arugula, asparagus, avocado, beets, bok choy, broccoli, broccolini, brussels sprouts, butternut squash, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celeriac, celery, chard, chayote, collards, cucumber, daikon, delicata squash, endive, fennel, garlic, ginger, greens, jerusalem artichokes, jicama, kabocha squash, kale, kohlrabi, leeks, lettuce, mushrooms, mustard greens, nopales, okra, olives (pimento-free), onions, parsnips, plantain, pumpkin, radicchio, radish, rapini, rhubarb, rutabaga, salsify, scallions, seaweed, spaghetti squash, spinach, summer squash, sweet potato, taro, turnip, yuca and zucchini

Sea vegetables excluding algae like chlorella and spirulina which are immune stimulators

Edible Fungi, like mushrooms

Herbs and spices Balm (lemon balm), Basil (sweet), Bay leaves (laurel leaves), Chamomile, Chervil, Chives, Coriander, Cinnamon / Cassia, Cloves, Dill weed, Garlic, Ginger, Horseradish, Lavender, Mace, Marjoram leaves, Onion powder, Oregano leaves, Parsley, Peppermint, Rosemary, Saffron, Sage, Salt, Savory leaves, Spearmint, Tarragon, Thyme, Turmeric

Quality meats (grass-fed, pasture-raised, wild as much as possible) (poultry in moderation due to high omega-6 content unless you are eating a ton of fish) beef, bison, pork, lamb, venison, rabbit, chicken, duck, turkey, goose, ostrich, quail, etc.

Quality fats pasture-raised/grass-fed animal fats (tallow, lard, schmaltz, duck and goose fat), fatty fish, olive, avocado, coconut, palm (not palm kernel)

Fruit keeping fructose intake between 10g and 20 g daily

Probiotic/fermented foods fermented vegetables or fruit, kombucha, water kefir, coconut milk kefir, coconut milk yogurt, supplements 

Glycine-rich foods anything with connective tissue, joints or skin, organ meat, and bone broth

Source the best-quality ingredients you can.

Eat as much variety as possible.

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General Diet Plan 

The general diet plan or guideline is meant for people or athletes/active people who already have a healthy lifestyle and do know what they can eat and cannot eat, but here some suggestion to turn your body to the next level. 

Bone Broth intake

Get at least 1 cup of Bone Broth daily 5 to 7 days a week


Grains = Gluten: Wheat, rye, barley and oats. The grains we eat today have been altered to withstand weather, insects, and weed killers resulting in a gluten protein that our stomachs just cannot break down. When the gluten travels through our intestinal track undigested, it destroys the Villi and micro Villi that is meant to absorb the nutrients from our foods. This leads to digestive, chronic health problems, and diseases. This includes some alcoholic beverages. Avoid these grains even if it states on the package that they are gluten free

Well done/burnt meat. Well done, burned, or grill-marked meat result in cancer causing heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and acrylamides from burned meat using high-temperature cooking methods such as an open flame or frying.  Make sure when cooking on a barbecue that you do not let the flames touch the meat, or let the juices from the meat hit the charcoal and coat it with burnt smoke. Its been said that  that Heterocyclic amines are the most egregious cancer causing substances on earth. Always cook meat medium or medium rare or wrap it in a cover.

Carbonated beverages. Soda, sparkling water. Do not drink these with a meal or before or after a meal. They neutralize your stomach acid and reduce your ability to digest and absorb the nutrients from your food and supplements. Phosphoric acid is especially bad for you, and will rob calcium from your bones.

Nitrites/Nitrates. Deli meat like ham, sausage, bacon, hot dogs, cured meats have nitrates and nitrites in them as preservatives. Nitrites and nitrates cause inflammation, tissue destruction, oxidation, and free radical damage. If you can get nitrate/nitrite free deli meats, then you are okay to consume them.

Cooking oils. Cooking oils, olive oil, even coconut oil oxidizes when oxygen comes in contact with it. When you eat oxidized oil it causes inflammation, oxidation damage, and destroys tissues in your body. This includes mayonnaise, salad dressings, fish packed in oils, and any food in oil. In nature there is no cooking oil tree, and no spigot at the base an olive tree to get oil from. So our bodies where just not designed to eat mass quantities of oils like we do today. If you must have oil, take olive oil and coconut oil in very small quantity and cold

Potatoes Skins. Crunchy, burned skins of baked potatoes, yams and sweet potatoes contain acrylamides which are cancer causing agents. The skin is okay to eat only after you boil it.

Fried foods. Overheating foods or fry foods  it produces acrylamides and free radicals. These carcinogens can lead to inflammation in your digestive track and arteries, oxidation damage to your nerves and soft tissues, and cause certain cancers. This includes stir fry.

Soy. Soy which is linked to Estrogen mimicking chemicals, cancer, infertility, birth defects, and more. If you grow your own soy and you know its organic you can eat it but we strongly suggest you cut that out of your diet.

Moderate intake

Sugar. Sugar feeds cancer, accelerates aging and suppresses the immune system. Read the labels of grocery store items for hidden sugar. With that said, sugar is not the enemy, we produce sugar in our body, its more about how to control the sugar intake. Keep it in small level and take it in portion of fruit and vegetable,  but not juice ( even fresh pressed juice is a concentrate or smoothis,  most fibers die, if you must have it keep it limited, or just keep it as a fuel after a hard workout)

Phytates Phytic acid is most commonly found in beans, seeds, and some nuts. It will bind to minerals in your foods causing them not to be absorbed by your body. To avoid this make sure you take your minerals two to three hours before or after you consume a meal with Phytates. Some examples of phytates are: linseeds, sesame seeds, almonds, brazilnuts, coconuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, walnuts, corn, brown rice, polished rice, pinto beans, chickpeas, hummus, lentils, soybeans, tofu, and spinach.

Corn. Corn is one of the foods we suggest buying organic because most conventional corn is genetically modified which can hurt your digestive tract and it  links to infertility, cancer, etc. Corn syrup goes in to the same category, so we strongly suggest to avoid it.


Eggs. Eggs should be the staple of your diet. They are considered by many as a super food. Not only do they contain vital cholesterol that your brain, nerves, and hormones need to function but they also contain a whole slew of proteins, EFA’s, vitamins and minerals that help your body function. It is recommended 8-12 eggs a day (for Alzheimer’s and other dementia’s it is recommended you eat 10+ eggs a day to feed your brain the cholesterol it needs to function). Do not over cook eggs, soft scramble them in butter and salt, soft boil them, poach them, or eat them raw in a smoothie. Note that there is a chance to get salmonella from the outside shell of the egg that was exposed to the cloaca of the chicken. If you are going to eat raw eggs to put a teaspoon of bleach into a quart of water and put the eggs into the solution, then dry them off and they are ready to use. The bleach will kill off any micro organisms on the outside of the shell. If you hard boil an egg and the yolk has a greenish coating, this means that the cholesterol has been degraded, so it is best to soft boil eggs. If you are allergic to chicken eggs then you can try goose, duck, or quail eggs.


Salt. Your body needs salt to create stomach acid. If you are on a salt restricted diet you will not be able to create stomach acid causing acid reflux/heart burn. So use as much salt as you want and salt your food to taste.

Dairy. Full fat whole milk only. No skim, or X  percent milk.





Beef. Rare or medium-rare only. Make sure there are no grill or char marks on your meat. Use a pressure cooker or crockpot.

Vegetables. Do not stir fry your vegetables. 


Nuts. Salted or mixed nuts are okay. Because most peanuts are contaminated with fungus it is recommended you don’t eat them. Do not eat nuts that have been processed on the same machines as wheat.

Nut Butters. Nut butters are fine to eat as long as they have no extra sugar or oils. Your can make your own oil and sugar free with a powerful blender.



Pure Buckwheat. It isn’t wheat.


Couscous. Made from pearl millet only.



Tea & Green Tea

Red Wine

Filtered Water. Four to eight 8 oz. glasses of water daily. Avoid soft plastic bottles and BPA. Avoid drinking tap water since most cities floridate their water. Fluoride has been proven to reduce your IQ, motivation, and creativity. Recently even Harvard University has released a study linking fluoride to “significantly lower” IQ scores. Do not drink any alkaline waters just before or while eating since it neutralizes your stomach acid like carbonated drinks which prevents digestion and absorption of nutrients.


Note. Of course stay away from all food you are allergic, keep in mind every person is very different. In case you want to detox your body or see what you intolerant, try our detox phase 


As we cannot make any claims the information is designed for educactional purpose only. You should not rely on this information as a substitue for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns with your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health care professional because you have read on this diet. The use of any information provided on this page is sorely at your own risk.